It's Almost March! Signing Up For New Reading Challenges

Hello, book friends! It's the end of February, which of course means that I'm signing up for new reading challenges. I know, I know, it doesn't make much sense. But I wasn't aware of these challenges at the end of 2019/January 2020, so I'm signing up now! 

I've been completely absorbed in sci-fi lately, so it only makes sense to sign up for the Space Time Reading Challenge. Click here for all the details. 

I'm going to try to 20 books: Galactic navigator. 

The other book challenge I'm keen to begin is the 2020 Retellings Reading Challenge. I adore retellings, especially of fairy tales, and have quite a collection sitting in my book cart, but reading them is another story. I'm hoping that this challenge will help me clear some of my TBR!

Check out the challenge here. My personal goal is to read Elemental Witch: 11-15 retellings. 

What reading challenges have you recently discovered?


  1. When I did a fantasy book panel with Schwab, it FINALLY impressed one of my daughter's friends, who was too cool to read books from the school library in middle school. Thanks for the reminder that I need to check why I didn't get Gallant in my book orders this year!


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