First Chapter First Tuesday Intros

Each Tuesday, Vicki, from I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers post the opening paragraph(s) of a book that they are reading or plan to read. 

The book I'm reading today is this gem! 

The library at Osthorne Academy for Young Mages was silent save for the whisper of the books in the Theoretical Magic section. Honeyed sun poured through two tall windows onto rows of empty study tables, which still gleamed with the freshness of summer cleaning. It was a small library - each section took up only a row or two of tall metal shelves - but it was big enough to hide in. Sunlight from the windows along one wall of the library spilled between the shelves, casting long shadows. None of the students had come to linger, not in the first week of school - they'd dashed in and then out again, looking for friends or for classes they'd never been to before. Now they were all downstairs at the welcome-back dinner, an all-staff-all-students meal that marked the end of the first week of classes. They'd joke there about house-elves and pumpkin juice - or at least the freshmen would. By the time they were sophomores, that vein of humor was worn beyond use. 

What do you think? Would you keep reading?


  1. Haven't seen this book before, or heard of the author. I hope you enjoy it!

  2. Sounds cute. Though I would worry it was too Harry Potter-ish. See what book we are featuring at Girl Who Reads.

    1. It's actually from the perspective of a middle aged non-magical PI, so it's a fun twist that makes it less cutesy. Thanks for stopping by!


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