The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

What a book!!!

Remember that old movie with Bill Murray, Groundhog Day? Well, this book is a bit like that. Aiden is forced to relive the same day over and over again. The only thing is, this isn't just a boring, ordinary day. At the end of it, Evelyn Hardcastle is murdered. Aiden has eight chances (and eight widlly dissimilar hosts) to solve her murder. 

There are so many questions. What's going on? Who else is playing this twisted game, and why are they there? I found the events confusing at first (which made complete sense, as Aiden was also thoroughly confused in the body of his first host, all memories wiped), but everything comes together in a brilliant, breathless way. How would I define this book? A mystery, naturally, but there are also elements of historical fiction and sci fi thrown in there too. I thought this was an amazing debut novel.

Have you read The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle? What did you think?


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