Clouded by Envy by Candace Robinson

This novel is a delicious blend of fantasy and horror, with 90's pop culture, vampirism, and The Portrait of Dorian Gray swirled in! It follows twins Brenik and Bray, who escape into our world from Laith, a place filled with supernatural beings. Brenik and Bray are small bat-like creatures who must adjust to living among humans, and deal with the gifts (or curses) granted to them by the Stone of Desire. 

Okay. First, I love novels about twins. Let's say that I might have a slight twin obsession. Creepy twins are definitely my cup of tea, and Brenik is very clearly the creepiest of the pair. I had trouble relating to them at first, just because I kept picturing fruit bats in my mind, but once the story ramped up, it was engrossing. Brenik is deeply, deeply envious of his sister, and it's this jealousy that drives him to make some bad decisions. 

Luca and Wes are human brothers who Bray ends up befriending. I think that their lighthearted exchanges and tender relationship is the perfect foil to the complicated relationship Bray and Brenik share. 

All in all, this was an enjoyable, dark read. Many thanks to the author for a copy.


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