It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet up and share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn here at The Book Date.

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels or anything in those genres – join them.

What I read last week:

This is going into our sixth week of self-isolation. Wow! It still doesn't feel quite normal, and my daughter often wakes up asking to go to the library, or at very least to Target. I'm planning a Zoom birthday party for my stepson, which will be a nice way for him to have Face time with his friends, but not at all like the normal birthday parties we plan! I'm also still plugging away with face masks, although I'll run out of cotton fabric soon and then will have to wait for my online fabric order. Maybe I can sneak in a little more reading then? 

This ARC was a winner for both my daughter and I. Natsumi loves everything about summer in Japan, including the cicadas who crowd the trees. But she worries that her cousin, visiting for the first time, will be afraid of the insects. This was a great picture book about celebrating differences, and the natural world. 

I really liked this novel about two sisters and the opioid crisis in Philadelphia. The mystery wasn't at all what I expected, and it had quite a satisfying ending! 

Another winner for me! I was so taken by this ARC about a librarian, a school principal, a history of trauma, and the long, winding journey toward joy. It was so good! I highly recommend it, and will post a full review soon. 

Currently reading:


Up next:

Goodreads Challenge: 122/250
Popsugar Challenge: 30/50
YARC 2020: 11/41
Owned Books Challenge: 25/50
2020 Retellings Reading Challenge: 1/20
Spacetime Reading Challenge: 7/15

What are you reading? And how have you been?


  1. I have What You Wish For from NetGalley, but haven't read it yet. Good to know your thoughts. I loved How to Walk Away, but felt like Things to Save in a Fire didn't quite measure up so I'm curious about this one.

    1. What You Wish For was great! I have Things to Save in a Fire, but haven't read it yet.

  2. Your books are all new to me. I'm glad you enjoyed them. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. What You Wish For looks good. I look forward to reading your review. Have a great week!

    1. It was really good, I recommend it! Have a great week.

  4. Ahhhhh, a Zoom birthday party sounds fun!! I've been loving hearing about all the ways people are having celebrations without physically spending time together. Some towns have the fire department drive by and honk/wave to a child, others have hosting scavenger hunts where families leave something out on their front porch, etc. Soooo fun and creative! I just read my first two Katherine Center books over the last two months and I loved them both. So I hope I can get my hands on What You Wish For! And I hope you're enjoying A Wish in the Dark. I've a few books down in my stack, but hopefully I'll get to it before May. Have a wonderful reading week, Wendi!

    1. It's not quite the same as an actual, physical birthday party, but he had fun! Have a great reading week, Shaye.

  5. My older granddaughter had her 11th birthday last week, but only had family. It isn't exactly what she imagined, but it was fun. I just visited on the porch for a while to bring her gifts. I hope you have fun celebrating! I love the look of Natsumi's Song of Summer & the two adult books also sound good. I'll look forward to see what you think of Wish in The Dark! Thanks & best wishes for a fun week, Wendi!

    1. Aww, happy birthday to your granddaughter! Have a great week as well, Linda.

  6. It's neat that you're putting together a Zoom birthday party! The books you've read sound great, and I'm curious what you'll think about A Wish in the Dark, since I've seen a lot of praise about it! Thanks for the great post!

    1. It's good so far! I hope to have it read by next week. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I enjoyed the first Sal and Gabi book but haven't requested this one just yet. I will be interested in seeing what you thought of it, and A Wish in the Dark, which I really enjoyed. Have a great week!

    1. I'm liking the second book quite a bit, but haven't finished it yet. Have a great reading week as well!

  8. I'm on the waiting list with the library for my first Katherine Center book. I've seen Long Bright River mentioned a few times and want to read that one too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Long Bright River was very good! I definitely recommend it. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. My college boys have been playing a lot of Ticket to Ride with their half-sisters. The girls really miss them but we are separate bubbles! Sounds like you are getting some good reading in.I hope the Zoom party goes well!


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