Stacking the Shelves #50

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from the library, review books, and of course e-books! This is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Hello, bookish friends! How are you doing this Saturday? We're going a bit stir-crazy today, but trying to fill our time with video games (Slime Rancher), crafts (my daughter and I are sewing accessories for her rag doll), and of course, good books. 


It's no secret that the Welcome to Night Vale podcast is one of my favorites, and definitely a comfort listen. I also thoroughly enjoy the novels, and while I couldn't justify a purchase of the physical copy during these uncertain financial times, I did buy the Kindle version. I can't wait to read it! 

Library Copies:


Some people soothe themselves during crises by watching or reading feel-good books. Some people lean in, and embrace the unknown. I do both. I indulge in Anne with an E on Netflix (Anne of Green Gables was a childhood favorite), and then I play Plague Inc on Steam, or request books like this from my library's Overdrive. It's all about finding a happy medium, I guess. 

Because I'm keeping at least five spots open at all times for my daughter's picture books (we go through at least three per day), I'm not really borrowing a lot. Which is more than okay, because my Netgalley ARC pile is quite high, and I have unread books sitting on my bookshelves as well. 

What books have you added to your shelves lately?


  1. My daughter is in dance class right now (via Zoom, anyway), and so I am using this time to do a little blog hopping. Something I haven't been able to do much of in quite a while. She isn't too thrilled about the method of her classes right now, but anything to help get her moving.

    I hope you enjoy your new books! Stay safe and well and enjoy your weekend, Wendi.

    1. Oh, I understand! My daughter has ballet class via recorded video, and isn't happy about it, either! She's young enough that she doesn't quite understand what's happening, just that she can't see her friends in person. Have a great week as well!

  2. I've been wanting to read apocalypse books too haha! XD I balance it out with fluffy contemporaries though. :P

    Enjoy your new books!My Book Haul! 

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one! And fluffy contemporaries sound great. Thanks for stopping by.


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