It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet up and share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn here at The Book Date.

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels or anything in those genres – join them.

What I read last week:

This is what the first part of my week looked like. It was spring break at home for my kids, so we did a lot of reading, and watched a lot of movies. The kids also played Minecraft together, which meant more reading time for me. I even read some of the ARCs in my gigantic stack! I loved Ali Wong's memoir, as well as All's Faire in Middle School. My daughter really enjoyed Pearl Goes to Preschool. And Station Eleven was beautiful, although eerily close to what's happening around the world today. 




This is what the rest of my week looked like:

I dragged out my sewing machine and attempted the easiest face mask pattern, because I knew my mother-in-law was shopping and getting gas in a ill-fitting bandanna. One face mask turned into many, once I realized how many family members and friends needed one. At the same time, my husband started working 15 hour days for a software project at his job, and I took out the espresso machine we'd never used and started cranking out lattes to make the long hours tolerable. At least he's working those hours at home, and not in the office! 

We also tried to have a normal Easter, with baskets and chocolates galore. My daughter was delighted that the Easter bunny was allowed into our house, when even Grandma hasn't visited in a month. We told her that rabbits don't have to socially distance themselves. 

I haven't figured out how to sew or make lattes while reading, so I'm just daydreaming about the book in the picture (The Fated Sky), rather than actually reading it. 

Currently reading:

Up Next:

Hmmm. I think I'll just be happy to finish Long Bright River, to be honest. 

Goodreads Challenge: 107/250
Popsugar Challenge: 26/50
YARC 2020: 10/41
Owned Books Challenge: 25/50
2020 Retellings Reading Challenge: 0/20
Spacetime Reading Challenge: 7/15

What books have you read lately? And how are you doing in quarantine?


  1. I laugh about your mask/latte adventures. I am making masks too, but not so many, mostly now to take a break from other things. I just bought Emily Mandel's new book, wonder if it will be as good as Station Eleven. Glad that the Easter Bunny made it to your home! Lots of creativity going on with this stay-at-home adventure! Happy reading, Wendi!

    1. Oh, let me know how Mandel's new book is. I've been admiring it, but have curbed book purchases for now. Have a great reading week, Linda!

  2. I've heard great things about All's Faire in Middle School, and I enjoyed the author's first book, Roller Girl. Also, it sounds like you managed to put together a fun Easter in spite of everything! Good luck fitting in reading time this week with everything you're doing!

    1. I liked All's Faire even more than I did Roller Girl, and that's saying something! I highly recommend it. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I love All's Faire! And while I love Wild Robot, I haven't read the sequel yet--I need to fix that!
    Also, I am told Infamous Ratso is one I need to get to reading to Trent.
    Be safe, and happy reading this week :)

    1. I actually haven't read the first Wild Robot yet, but enjoyed The Wild Robot Escapes enough to want to find a copy! Infamous Ratso is great and has a lot of fun illustrations. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. How have I not heard of Station Eleven? I need to go look this one right now. I checked out All's Faire and ended up having to return it before I read it, so I need to fix that very soon. I really like the fabric of those face masks. Since my sewing machine is missing a screw to the stitch foot (thanks to one of my Littles), I purchased some masks from a shop in town -- I carefully selected the fabric for each of the kids and then hubby/me. I even supplied special fabric for two of the masks (Frozen and Batman). However, when we went to pick them up a few days later, she didn't use what I requested (including some fabric I supplied). They also weren't hemmed, the elastic was falling apart, and there was no uniformity in size (I wore one to the store and it kept covering my eyes and the sides completely flap open). I guess this is just a sign that I need to get my sewing machine back in working order. LOL I hope you're enjoying Long Bright River this week, Wendi!

    1. Oh no! I hope you get your machine working again, that sounds like a terrible mask! I don't have Frozen or Batman fabric (though I'm not sure why, my kids are fans of both), but I can send you masks if you need them! Let me know, and have a great week.

  5. I read Station Eleven last year and it's definitely been on my mind. All's Faire is super fun. The Ali Wong book looks interesting to me. Be well.

    1. I love All's Faire, and Ali Wong is a fun book as well. Have a safe and great reading week, Crystal.

  6. I love the Ratsos series and so do my students. Looking forward to reading the latest adventure!-Laura Mossa


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