Stacking the Shelves #13

Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from the library, review books, and of course e-books! This is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews

I've curbed my book buying (for now!), but still added some good reads to my shelves through Overdrive and Netgalley! 

Review ARCs

Print Copies

This may sound weird coming from a book nerd who is also a mom, but I rarely read parenting books. I intended to, but other than a few Montessori infant and toddler books for my daughter, I haven't picked them up. I feel that my kids are individuals, and that cookie cutter advice might not prove to be helpful. Well, I bought a copy of this book hoping that it is helpful! My stepson is very sensitive and emotional, especially at school, and we want to help him find ways to cope with all these huge emotions. 

Library Copies


So a small acquisition week, but I'm hoping to make real headway with my backlog of review copies, and maybe start ploughing through my physical bookshelves too. What's on your shelves this week?


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