Catching Up!

Hello! It's been a while since I've blogged, so I apologize. We just came back from our epic Disney World trip, exhausted yet happy. The streamlined ingenuity of the Disney parks and resorts turned even my partner, a total Disney hater, into someone who loved the vacation and agreed that we will go back. Yay!

More importantly, the kids loved it! They met beloved characters, went on rides, and had an overall magical time. My littlest just asked if we could go back "tomorrow."

The weird part of the trip was that I didn't get to read AT ALL. Not even on the airport, even though I diligently packed my Kindle. My partner realized that I had a digital copy of the print book he was reading (one of the books in the Expanse series), and kind of commandeered it. I honestly didn't have any time to read while we were on the Disney resort or in the parks, but I would have liked a book on the flights, especially when the kids zonked out. Next time, I'll definitely pack the Kindle, as well as a very thin print book.

That doesn't mean I haven't been reading, however.

In my mad rush to complete my daughter's birthday sweater, I read ALL of Yarn Harlot Stephanie Pearl-McPhee's books. They're all humorous memoirs of her knitting adventures, and they're basically comfort reads, especially when you're trying to make an almost impossible deadline.

I think these books are essential reading for knitters, especially ones with stash problems (like me!), but I'm not sure the humor would translate for non-knitting readers. 

I started reading these just as the fiber Instagram world blew up over racism in a community often heralded as quaint and super-friendly. It made me read Pearl-McPhee's work more critically than I had before (yes, most of these were rereads), and I also thought about my own personal experiences with racism while at local yarn stores, at fiber festivals, while taking classes, etc. I may do another, longer post about this (even though it's not about books), but let's just say that I can confirm that problems do exist, I internalized a lot of my experiences as something I had done wrong, and I'm glad that everyone has started talking about them. 

Okay, onto more books.

I also read a few mysteries, an exquisite fictional account of a Greek goddess, two cooking memoirs from very different camps, and a stunning middle grade novel. And no, I haven't written any of my thoughts about these yet, but I will. Look for them soon!

Thanks for reading!


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