It's Monday! What are you reading?


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet up and share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn here at The Book Date.

Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels or anything in those genres – join them.

Our week was, in one word, EXHAUSTING. I had a medical emergency on Friday, and that, combined with my second Covid-19 vaccine, means that I'm still very tired. The whole family is still a little nervous and tired, kids included. Here's hoping for a nice, boring week ahead. 

Despite this, I still managed to read a lot of wonderful books. My one non-kidlit book, Memorial Drive, was written by a former poet laureate about the tragic murder of her mother. I've loved Trewethey's poetry for years, and her memoir was both beautiful and devastating. 

Other fantastic books included When You Trap a Tiger and Late to the Party. 

What I read last week:



Currently reading:


Up next:

Goodreads Challenge: 43/120
Ultimate Popsugar Challenge: 10/50
#Mustreadin2021  Challenge: 0/19

What books have you read recently?


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your emergency but I hope all is well now! These books and authors are all new to me! I hope you enjoy them! Have a great reading week!

  2. Nice, I hope you enjoy your reads this week. Here are my plans:

  3. Sorry about your exhausting week, then the medical thing, & the vaccine. Whew, here' to a happier March! I have some but yet to read them, like How To Trap A Tiger, and I'm also looking forward to the Rebecca Stead book. Thanks, Wendi!

  4. I hope you have a calmer week. I'll have to check out Memorial Drive. Six Angry Girls sounds good. I hope you are enjoying all your current reads! Have a great week.

  5. Wishing better weeks ahead for you. I really enjoyed Goodbye Stranger, but it hasn't found as many readers in my classes as her other books. I need to get to How to Trap A Tiger as well. Thanks for sharing some great books.

  6. Hope all is well. I read When You Trap a Tiger last week too. Such a fabulous book! Thanks for sharing these books today. I'm looking forward to Six Angry Girls and Late to the Party.

  7. I hope you're alright after your medical emergency—it sounds like nobody on #IMWAYR had a very good week (I know I definitely felt burned out, but not quite at medical-emergency levels of unpleasantness). These books sound excellent, though! Goodbye Stranger is my favorite book of all time pretty much without debate (though a few books are close)—I've read it around 7 times, and I made my father read it as well! I hope you enjoy all of your books (especially that one), and thanks for the great post!

  8. Oh my, you've had some great books this week. I LOVED King and the Dragon Flies. And I also enjoyed Goodbye Stranger just a few months ago (Completely Full Bookshelf recommended it). Just had our first Covid-19 vaccine as educators, so now we wait for the second one. Hoping we continue to do well, but WOW did our arms hurt for a couple days. Eek! Thanks, Wendi. And my apologies for running so very late this week!


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